One of the new realities the computer age had ushered in is the ability to create in a virtual space before finalizing a product. The ability to edit and adjust physical items before they are fully formed changed a fundamental part of human reality since our ancestors learned to use tools. The most popular application of this ability is found in writing. White-out products, which were a staple for every typist, became obsolete with the proliferation of word-processing software on personal computers. Other, more sophisticated forms of virtual editing allow scientists to achieve medical and other technological advancements unimaginable not long ago.

Outside the computer world, it is largely impossible to apply this feature to real life. When we make mistakes, consequences usually follow. Not every mistake can be remedied with a simple apology. Each of us can recall actions we came to regret and perhaps we still do. If we could only turn back time and do things differently, or better off, have the smarts we have now back then, before we acted. Can we plan our actions in a virtual environment and edit them before going out and executing them?

Of course, we can.

Considering options and decisions before taking action is what we do all the time. We possess knowledge and experience in many areas But just as we know not to go grocery shopping hungry, we need to avoid reaching important conclusions quickly or on instinct alone. Taking time to evaluate a situation and consider all the possible ways to respond gives us the ability to reach a sounder decision and avoid possible mistakes we may grow to regret. Here are some suggestions for how to do that.

  1. Don’t rush to a decision. Learn to recognize when you are being pushed to make one and stop yourself. Trust your instincts and listen to your gut feeling – if you are not feeling completely right about it, it’s probably not right for you. No means no.
  2. Make sure you are deciding on your terms – there are no internal or external forces pushing you to make it (i.e., hungry stomach/eager salesperson). List some rules you want to adhere to for reaching the best outcome and follow them throughout the process.
  3. Talk to someone you trust, a personal friend, or an expert on the issue. Discuss the situation with them and seek reflection and advice on it.
  4. Bring the topic up at a life coaching session. A good coach will steer you through your parameters and preferences and help you plot your way toward your goal.

Assisting individuals and couples to find a clear and safe way to a difficult solution is what I practice with pretty much every coaching client. If you have never tried it before, you are welcome to contact me for more information. Click this link to start.

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