The 2021 New Year’s Eve fire in Boulder, Colorado that destroyed over a thousand homes and claimed three lives left countless people with little more than the clothes they were wearing. Beyond their physical loss, the victims of this fire suffered from an emotional toll brought on by the physical loss of memories and heirlooms that burnt in the fire and were lost forever.

Such sudden losses of life and property leave their victims frazzled and in despair. Their victims are typically caught unprepared and take long to recuperate. Recovering from such a disaster requires the support of government agencies, financial institutions, mental health professionals, social workers, family, friends, social networks, and local community organizations.

For the rest of us, the onlookers, such events are a reminder of the fragility of life and a warning for what may come. We are made aware of the possibilities of such events and are encouraged to prepare for them using different means; buying proper insurance, practicing safe driving, securing our physical environments, and creating backups of important media. There is another safety net that needs to be ready for such events – a professional support network.

We can count on our social networks, family members, friends, and neighbors to come to our aid when the call is made. There are, however, circumstances and needs that certain emergencies that those networks may not be able to effectively support. The safety measures mentioned above aim to minimize loss. Other active measures involve professional intervention and support; mental health professionals and social workers, for example. Searching and vetting such professionals when you have the time to do that and keeping them in your address book will have you better prepared for that time we wish you will never come to meet.

Like writing or updating a living will, we tend to dread these tasks because they force us to consider events and possibilities we would rather not. But getting it done and being prepared for such disasters will not only make us physically but mentally prepared for that future. Let’s do it now.

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