The instinct of remaining vigilant is vital to every species’ survival. The lower one is placed on the food chain, the more aggressively one needs to react to threats to maintain their existence. It is one of the ways the fittest survive. In our modern society, examples of physical survival take passive forms with locks, gates, fences, and security systems, and active forms by one’s arming themselves or practicing martial arts.

Weapons serve several purposes, both for the potential attacker and the defender. Possessing a weapon or other active defense devices (i.e., pepper spray or siren) raises the confidence level of their carrier in the face of a perceived threat. Likewise, it projects a form of warning and intimidation toward would-be-threatening forces, giving them pause from taking action. The equation that forms by the presence of these devices works similarly for individuals and nations. Our world order is mandated by clear borders that are protected by armed forces.

Many who do not carry a weapon can use other means to defend themselves. A cell phone can be used to call the police or video-record a situation, by so making a would-be attacker aware that their actions are being recorded and causing them to retreat. It can also be used defensively to text for help, activate safety systems, set off alarms, and more.

Getting immersed in non-stop news stories and crime report dramatizations can lead many to become hyper-vigilant over their security issues. One cannot ignore the dangers living in our society poses, but safety and security measures should be taken in proper amounts to address realistic threats. Preparing too much may lead to elevated stress, as one’s level of awareness is heightened by the constant presence of the security systems surrounding them. An arms race is not exclusive to world powers. Before deciding to acquire new security measures, reasonable research must be done to assess actual threats and evaluate defense systems against them. Trying to meet force with force can prove to be expensive and dangerous, both physically and emotionally. Effective security measures should provide meaningful physical protection while reducing their anxiety over perceived threats.

If you read this article this far, you may be wondering what this has to do with life coaching. The answer: the topic is used as an analogy to some relationships, both personal and professional. When feeling insecure in a relationship, one may want to follow the advice given above and assess the source and magnitude of the perceived threat. They would then be wise to take proper measures to mitigate it; engage in conversation with the other person/s in the relationship, involve friends or other professionals to help with resolving it, or do other things to promote a healthy dissolution of the threat. What lurks beneath may take different forms, and dealing with it appropriately is the responsible thing to do.

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