Sunsets have been the subject of countless works of art for generations. Photographs of sunsets are often displayed on your social media threads. They are the subject of poetry, paintings, and more. Even though they depict a sight of nature which we all experience daily, sunsets still inspire people to record them in various forms for one reason – they create an emotional response that people like to record and share.

Life is full of these moments. Views of nature and urban life, expressions of love and care, human interactions with other humans and non-humans. The shared perspective of these moments educates and creates a common experience. It facilitates bonds between people who don’t have common connections between them. These ties enrich our views of ourselves and the world that surrounds us.

Each one of us has an internal world that we keep private. Sharing that world with others bonds us to them and solidifies the layer of confidence we gain from that connection. We share these parts of us in times of joy and elation as a way to give and enrich, and we do so at times of pain and despair as a way to draw and lean on. From emotional support and friendly advice to physical assistance and professional help, these shares are as important as breathing itself. Without them, happiness dies from the lack of feedback, and pain grows with the echoes of loneliness. Just as we act on the urge and share an image of a view that inspires us, we need to be sensitive to the internal calls for help and act upon them promptly. The human experience is communal. No one is alone in it.

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