

Sunsets have been the subject of countless works of art for generations. Photographs of sunsets are often displayed on your social media threads. They are the subject of poetry, paintings, and more. Even though they depict a sight of nature which we all experience daily, sunsets still inspire people to record them in various forms…



Hate is a strong emotion that causes us to act in ways other emotions fall short on. Love is the only other emotion that comes close to that. Hate drives our actions to extremes and paints them in strong, dangerous colors. A world of hate, accented by fear and misunderstanding, is a dangerous environment to…



Progress and growth are dictated by order. Crawl, walk, run. Each stage of evolution is catalyzed through the success of the previous one. Mental ability, physical strength, and the use of tools to improve efficiency are all essential elements of evolution. The wheel enabled the creation of the chariot and the mill, which evolved into…

Coaching and the Art of Life Maintenance

Coaching and the Art of Life Maintenance

Life is a challenging journey for everyone. The world’s population is growing denser every day, stressing resources such as land for living and agriculture, food and energy, and many more. Good jobs, personal safety, and peace are exceedingly hard to obtain and maintain. Demands for productivity in the workplace are continually rising as more companies…

I Regret

I Regret

Our lives are paved with disappointments and misgivings over decisions we made and actions we took. The shame and regret over them persist long after the event occurred, and we are often the only ones remembering it. Emotions such as frustration, anger, and disappointment keep holding us down and diminish our ability to make new…

Unnatural Disasters

Unnatural Disasters

Stories chronicling the progression of man-made disasters appear frequently in the news. Many of these calamities are human error generated: neglect, poor concentration, lack of adherence to rules, and countless others. The proliferation of phone cameras and CCTV systems brings these events to public view almost as soon as they take place in sharp images…



In a recent conversation, a client revealed to me that they felt jealous of a close friend of theirs. They described the problem as their inability to sidestep these feelings even though there was no real reason for them to feel that way toward their friend. What could they possibly do to fix that, they…



Confidence is the muscle surrounding the skeleton of knowledge that enables you to perform all the tasks you are challenged to do. From physical feats to mental achievement, confidence is the one ingredient that bridges understanding and action. It is the difference between knowing how to act and successfully taking action, between theoretical and practical,…



Our culture holds perfection in very high regard. Perfection is often expected, even demanded, in professional performance, as well as in personal conduct. Any path to success must bear no marks of errors in judgment, unreasonable slipups, and general faux pas. Professional mistakes are regularly the primary reason for demotion and dismissal. In the age…