

Instinct is a biological tool we use to react to a situation. It replaces an organized thought process that would involve the collection and evaluation of information to reach a decision with quick and firm action. We use instinct to address situations where different kinds of pressure make it difficult or impossible to produce a…

A New Dawn

A New Dawn

The time has finally come. After over a year of isolation, fears, and confusion, life is beginning to return to normal. As of this writing, more than half the nation’s adults are fully vaccinated against covid-19, while younger ages are being included in that campaign as well. Public places and businesses are reopening, restaurants are…

Bumper Cars

Bumper Cars

The corona-virus put us under varying degrees of lock-down since March of 2020. As of this writing, we have over a quarter-million dead as a result of the virus in the U.S., and there is no end to it in sight. Great forces have been steering the Covid-19 response, often in opposite directions. Scientists and…