Bumper Cars

Bumper Cars

The corona-virus put us under varying degrees of lock-down since March of 2020. As of this writing, we have over a quarter-million dead as a result of the virus in the U.S., and there is no end to it in sight. Great forces have been steering the Covid-19 response, often in opposite directions. Scientists and…

Love Me, Love Me Not

Love Me, Love Me Not

We are highly social creatures. We show personal interest in others from an early age, and begin to explore romance early. We practice relationships, trying and failing, learn from our mistakes, and improve with experience. Romantic associations form and crumble. Young people and old folks fall in and out of love in a perpetual quest…



Personal and professional tensions are intertwined these days, as many of us work from home. Workplace waves crash against the home front undercurrents, forming an emotional whirlpool inside us. Uncooperative co-workers, unwilling bosses, and ineffective subordinates. School-age remote-learning children, unemployed and underemployed young adult kids, anxious spouses, and freaked-out of their mind friends. Each feeds…



Fear. Hides behind corners of our imagination and lurks in the depth of our consciousness. Fed by bad experiences, misinformation, and lack of confidence. Eats at the core of our decision making ability, exposing us to potential mental and physical harm, financial loss, and social ridicule. Fear. Acts both as a behavioral repellent and challenger….